Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Yet here I am. I miss this space and I realize that time is flying by at lightening speed. My kids are growing up faster than I can wrap my head around, and by avoiding this space, I’m missing out on capturing precious memories for when my brain forgets what I beg it to remember.
I opened a Christmas card from a college friend today, and realized her two daughters look like adults. Then my brain snapped to the present as a high pitched giggle focused me back to my own home, and tears burned the back of my eyes when I considered our older 2 girls are the same age as her daughters. They look like women. These kids who I have cradled and poured my life into for the last 14 years, they’re nearly grown. Soon, I will watch them pack up a car and drive off to their new lives. Our dinner table will get smaller and smaller and I will be left trying to figure out how to grocery shop and cook for just Luke & I. It’s a sad reality that I don’t want to consider is coming faster than it is.
So here I return. To capture life again outside of Facebook and Instagram. Because this blog has had my heart for so many years, I cannot bear to see it lay in the wastelands any longer.
Posts may be brief and filled with photos, or deep and full of tears. But they will be here, in a collected place with life and love breathed back into the pages of this space.
Family photo January 2017 I think. The last family photo we’ve taken. Time to update a lot of things.