
We have some incredible friends who are moving to Kenya this summer. They are selling everything, their house, cars, furnishings and going. God called and they are answering and, quite honestly, I think they are incredible. Elizabeth knows "Chris and Windy." She understands that they've already been to Africa once and that they will be going again, and staying a long time. She prays for them I think it is just precious.

Anyway, yesterday, Lindy (Windy) came by to pick up some photos she "accidentally" left at our house (I say accidentally, but again, I'm learning that our God isn't a God of chances). When she got here to pick them up, I asked to see them. They are selling them to raise money for their missions. I spread them all out on the floor and we were inspecting them. I explained to Elizabeth the reason Lindy had the pictures and told her that she was selling them so she could go tell people in Africa about Jesus. Though all of the pictures were amazing, Elizabeth particularly fell in love with 1. It was a photo of a zebra that Chris had taken. Beautifully framed, it was pure joy for Elizabeth. She immediately asked me if she could have it. I told her that it cost a lot of money ($15, but to a 3 1/2 yr old, that's a lot) and that if she would be willing to pay half with her money, I would pay for the other half.

With that, Elizabeth runs to her room and grabs her envelope full of her "Save" money. (Elizabeth does chores to earn money. She gets a maximum of $3.00 per week. She gives $1 to Church, Saves $1 and gets to put $1 in her Spend envelope.) She comes running back into the living room with a fist full of $1.00 bills. I told her that her portion of the cost is $7.00. Diligently, she counts out her money....$7.00 exactly. I explained to her that if she uses her money to buy the picture that she won't have any money left to buy the toys that she's asked for from the T.V. In a complete moment of maturity she says, "Yes, I know Mommy." She proudly hands her dollars to Lindy (who is sobbing) and takes her prized picture in her hands. She runs to her room to find a place of honor.

God amazes me that I can still learn so much from my children. It was not a coincidence that Elizabeth had exactly $7.00 saved (I didn't know how much she had when I told her I'd pay half). What an amazing heart my child has. I feel so incredibly blessed to witness these everyday miracles. God is so good.

Now, I'm wondering, have I given God my $7.00 today? Have I offered Him my all? And with complete joy, have I placed what He has given me in a place of honor? I think there are so many lessons to be learned from the heart of a 3 year old...

Check out my friend's version of the story by clicking here.