Here in NC, our local station runs a program called "Wednesday's Kids." Our local news woman, Wanda Starks, interviews a child waiting to be adopted. Each of these kids has a story and is desperately in need of love. Halfway around the world my friend Lindy is seeing her own version of Wednesday's Kids.
On Saturday, Elizabeth will have her 4th birthday party. Since she turned 2 (and we started having "friend" parties for her birthday), we decided that instead of presents from her friends, we would help her choose a charity and each child could bring something as a donation. When she was 2 we asked for canned food for our church's food pantry. Last year we asked for items for the local Children's home. This year we are collecting clothing for children in Kenya. We will mail the clothes to our friends Chris and Lindy and they will distribute them to some orphans/children at a nearby "school."
This afternoon, I checked Lindy's blog as I do religiously. Please click here and read this tender story. Near where they live is a "school" and the children there are so malnourished.
Above is a picture of Lindy holding a 4 year old boy who attends the school. It breaks my heart to see him so little, especially since Elizabeth is turning 4 and looks to be about twice his size.
On Saturday, Elizabeth will have her 4th birthday party. Since she turned 2 (and we started having "friend" parties for her birthday), we decided that instead of presents from her friends, we would help her choose a charity and each child could bring something as a donation. When she was 2 we asked for canned food for our church's food pantry. Last year we asked for items for the local Children's home. This year we are collecting clothing for children in Kenya. We will mail the clothes to our friends Chris and Lindy and they will distribute them to some orphans/children at a nearby "school."
This afternoon, I checked Lindy's blog as I do religiously. Please click here and read this tender story. Near where they live is a "school" and the children there are so malnourished.