Baby Girl's 1st Court Hearing

Today, we go to court for Baby Girl. It's iffy if birth mom will even show and if the case will even be heard. It would be an important court date because it would be the adjudication and disposition (this 2nd link will open a word document) component of Baby Girl's case.

A lot of information is disclosed at these hearings and it will set the course for Baby Girl's ultimate time line of permanent placement, where ever that may be (although I'm sure you all know by now MY desires).

If it comes to mind, please pray over the judge, social workers, birth parents, attorneys and G.A.L.s. Also pray that the case will be heard, as Baby Girl is nearing 3 months old and her "plan" has not even begun to take shape.

I know God is in control, above all else. I'll update you as soon as I can. Thanks.