Thanks to those of you who offered up some prayer about the vacation I mentioned. May I elaborate? (Of course I can, it's my blog.)
You see, several months ago, Luke and I went in with some friends and "bid" on a week long vacation in the mountains. It was a silent auction and benefit dinner for our friends, Chris and Lindy, who were about to leave for the mission field.
We won the auction, ecstatic at the awesome price we paid. However, God sure is a funny fellow (can I call God a fellow?..I'm guessing He'd be okay with that, we're tight like that).
LOTS has changed since that evening in April. For starters, we've added Baby D and Baby Girl to our home and our friendsare past the point of being ready to meet their first bundle of joy are eager to meet their first baby boy, who is due a week from Monday.
Needless to say, coordinating a time for the four of us to get away isn't going to happen in the next 5 years. So, it with great pains that Luke and I will endure a week long vacation, ALONE, in the wonderful North Carolina mountains skiing, hiking and just hanging out!
We've been saying for a while now that we need to get away, for longer than just a few hours, and spend some quality time investing in our marriage. Well, the time has come...or it will in about 2 weeks!
I called today and confirmed the reservation and I've all but got all 5 kids' care covered. Luke and I NEED time away. Plus, it's already paid for...woohoo!
So, thanks for the prayers earlier this week (all you faithful prayin' people), and thanks Chris and Lindy for becoming missionaries and giving us a great excuse to bid on a vacation we would have otherwise never bought. I know you did it all for us, didn't you?
You see, several months ago, Luke and I went in with some friends and "bid" on a week long vacation in the mountains. It was a silent auction and benefit dinner for our friends, Chris and Lindy, who were about to leave for the mission field.
We won the auction, ecstatic at the awesome price we paid. However, God sure is a funny fellow (can I call God a fellow?..I'm guessing He'd be okay with that, we're tight like that).
LOTS has changed since that evening in April. For starters, we've added Baby D and Baby Girl to our home and our friends
Needless to say, coordinating a time for the four of us to get away isn't going to happen in the next 5 years. So, it with great pains that Luke and I will endure a week long vacation, ALONE, in the wonderful North Carolina mountains skiing, hiking and just hanging out!
We've been saying for a while now that we need to get away, for longer than just a few hours, and spend some quality time investing in our marriage. Well, the time has come...or it will in about 2 weeks!
I called today and confirmed the reservation and I've all but got all 5 kids' care covered. Luke and I NEED time away. Plus, it's already paid for...woohoo!
So, thanks for the prayers earlier this week (all you faithful prayin' people), and thanks Chris and Lindy for becoming missionaries and giving us a great excuse to bid on a vacation we would have otherwise never bought. I know you did it all for us, didn't you?