Das Not Funny! Friday: The Birthday & Poop (Of Course)

I only thought last week went by quickly. Surely it's not really Friday, is it? What's that? It is? Seriously? Geesh, where does all the time go? Oooooh that's right, into the diaper pail and onto baby wipes. It gets soaked up by burp cloths and hours of playing in the dirt.

This past week was so awesome. We celebrated Lucas and Ashlee's third birthday on Saturday (and Sunday) and enjoyed making our precious middle children feel like a prince and princess for two straight days. There were quite a few belly laughs along the way, coupled with Ashlee's infamous "Das Not Funny Mommy!" Oh, my tender red-headed drama queen, it is so funny. So here you go, my Das Not Funny! Friday: The Birthday Edition & Some Poop (because what else do you expect from me?).


Me to Ashlee, at 8:00am on her birthday: "Happy Birthday, Ashey!"

Elizabeth to Ashlee: "Wow, Ash! You're three today! You're legs are SO long!"


Elizabeth asked about 30 minutes into Lucas and Ashlee's birthday party, "Hey Mom. When are we going to hit the piranha?"

Piranha or Pinata. BIG difference.


All day long, on Saturday, Lucas sang, "Happy Burpbay to MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

All day long, on Saturday, Ashlee sang, "Happy Burfbay to Woocas."

I don't think she totally gets that she's a twin.


Lucas to our lovely pediatrician at the twins' three year check up: "I am frwee now."

Dr. P: "Oh my I know! You're a big boy, huh?"

Lucas: "Yep. I'm old."

Dr. P: "What kind of birthday party did you have?"

Lucas: "Spirwit." (Click here if you don't know what that means.)

Dr. P: "Oh, Spirit! I like Spirit. He runs fast, huh? Tell me Lucas, what's your favorite color?"

Lucas: "Ummmm....Spirwit."

Dr. P: "Oh, you like the color of Spirit?"

Lucas: "Yep. He's not frwee. Just me."

Uh, and your twin. Her too, remember?


This week Elizabeth began a new gymnastics class especially for "older" girls, you know because 4.5 years is old. Anyway, prior to this class Elizabeth, Lucas and Ashlee were all in the Preschool gymnastics class together. While explaining to Lucas and Ashlee that Elizabeth was going to gymnastics but they would not be going with her, I made sure to let them know that she got this special class because she was older.

As we are loading up the van to take Bizzy over to the gym, Lucas turns to me and says, "Mom, I'm frwee now."

"Yes Buddy, I know," I respond.

"I'm not big now, but when I'm old, can I go to the bigwer cwass that Bizzy goes to?"

Sure Buddy. When you're old you can hang out at the preschoolers' gym. Actually, I take that back. No. You can't.


During a 45 minute Wrestle-mania one evening Elizabeth stops dead in her tracks, looks at me and says, "Stop! I gotta poop!"

She takes three steps toward the bathroom then pauses.

"What's wrong?" I ask tenderly.

"Oh, never mind. It went back up."

Funny thing is, I remember saying the say thing to my Mom when I was a kid and she never got me. See Mom! Someone else knows what I mean, never mind that she's my offspring.


One morning I was sitting in our bedroom, sending a few emails, when Ashlee SPRINTS through toward our bathroom, saying, "I gotta go peuwp. I gotta go peuwp."

I hear her in our bathroom saying to herself, "Get your pants down, hurweee!"

Then she sits on the potty, I hear a grunt and then she says (still to herself) "Whew. Dat was cwose."


So, don't you want to play along? I know you do. Here's how you can do it. Just write your own Das Not Funny! Friday post. Somewhere in your post link back to my blog. For a super-de-duper easy way to link back here, just copy all the stuff in the box below, then in your "Edit Html" tab (where you usually write your posts) paste what you copied.

It’s finally Friday! How many times this week did you hear or see something and think… <i>“Das Not Funny!”</i> but then realize that it <i>actually was</i> pretty funny? Well, such is the purpose of this blogapolooza known as <i>Das Not Funny! </i>Friday.
Check out <a href="http://themakingofmom.blogspot.com"> this blog </a> to see what else is not funny. Plus, by going <a href="http://themakingofmom.blogspot.com">over here</a> you can see who else has seen or heard something and thought <i>Das Not Funny!</i> then stifled a giggle or even laughed out loud! Come on, you know you wanna…

Finally, leave a comment and/or enter your info into Mister Linky so that other people can check out your Das Not Funny! Friday post. It's extra easy, and I can't wait to read all the funny stuff you post.

Have an awesome weekend! We will be partying it up again this weekend since Aaron turns ONE on Saturday!

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