Daraja kind of thankful

I know, I know. Thanksgiving is over. So this thanksgiving post is a little late, huh? Well, not exactly.

Recently we had the privilege of hosting 3 amazing children in our home for 3 glorious nights. The Daraja Children's Choir of Africa came to our church and host homes were needed to house the children and chaperons. Last year we were out of town, this year we were all in.

Yes, we added 3 more children and 1 more adult around our dining table. Yes we added those same numbers to our cooking requirements. Yes, we had the time of our lives.

The day that they left, I was actually more than thankful for the abundance of dishes in my sink. I was thankful that we ate our cereal out of plastic bowls with plastic spoons because every single bowl and spoon in our house was sitting dirty in my sink.

And more than ever I'm thankful for my 5 little children and how they love on other people. I do believe that Lucas fell in love for the very first time.

He warmed up to Monica and never cooled off. I think he kissed her 4,397 times over the course of two days. It was so precious. I'm pretty sure he'll be talking about Monica for the next few years.

Elizabeth adored Betty to pieces. Elizabeth literally cried the morning they left and she stated boldly, "Mom, let's just go to Africa. We will have our new friends there and we already know Chris and Lindy. So let's just go to Africa and meet everyone else."

Sweetie, if I can have a thousand more pictures like this one, we so will go.

Monica and Betty are certainly some special girls. They loved on our children in a way that I cannot understand, especially given the circumstances they've come from. But it was sweet Eunice that really stole my heart.

Eunice is mostly quiet and reserved. Don't get me wrong, she was silly and she and Elizabeth had an awesome tickle party their last night here. But something about this usually soft spoken, quiet girl just stole the breath right out of me. I'm sure it was her smile and the way it made the whole room beam with joy.


Just sheer joy on the face of this little girl. You couldn't help but smile along with her.

We miss these girls so much and they have been the topic of several conversations every day since they left. And, I'm sure they will continue to be the topic of conversations in our home for a very, very, very long time.

L to R: Lucas, Courtney (the chaperon), Ashlee, Monica, Eunice, Aaron, Baby Girl, Betty and Elizabeth

At the Zoo.

How much would I love to send this photo out as our family photo this year? About a bazillion much, that's how much.