Das Not Funny! Friday: The one where I use big, BOLD letters. Frequently.

As I write this post, my sweet Baby #6 is flip-flopping in my stomach, causing my tummy to shift and become lumpy. I seriously love this time of pregnancy. Did you know that I'm less than 3 months away from my due date? Holy moly. I can't even begin to think that after Christmas is here and gone (which will happen in the blink of an eye) we'll be two months away. WOWZERS.

At any rate, it's Friday again. So, that means it's time for Das Not Funny! Friday. Are you ready? I sure hope so.

Last night we were sitting around the dinner table and each of the big kids was telling about an adventure they had been on. An imagination adventure anyway. The girls' stories were pretty funny with Ashlee encountering a "crotchadile" and Elizabeth getting followed by a BIG, stinky bear that ended up being friendly. But Lucas' story...well.....

"I was walkin' fru da woods and all da sudden I heared somefin'. It was a BIG, HUE, GIANT......Rookster!"

I asked him he was planning on making his big, hue, giant rookster into fries. He looked at me like I'd lost my mind.


Sometimes I wish I could just capture in my mind the looks on Ashlee's face when she's trying to be funny. Earlier this week was one of those times. We were singing a song the kids learned at Community Bible Study. It talks about obeying God and goes something like....

"Obey, obey, obey.
Obey, obey, obey.
Obey, obey, obey.
Obey God."

At the end, Ashlee added her own stroke of....um, er.....talent and screeches at the top of her lungs,

"OOOOOOOObbbbbbeeeeeey GAWD!"

All the while pointing to the ceiling with one, scrawny index finger and rolling her eyes back in her head.

Maybe you had to be there. I'm sure my story would be better if I had a photo of my darling drama queen screeching like a spider monkey. But I don't. So just imagine.


My Mom and Grandma took Lucas to eat at Denny's on Tuesday night (it's kids eat free night) when, apparently, Lucas announces proudly, "My peenus is getting BIG!" I wonder how many people were within ear shot? I wonder what their faces looked like? I wonder how it would have felt for my water to come out of my nose, had I been there?

The world may never know. Or, at least I may not.


So, how was your week? Anything hilarious happen? If so, please play along and tell me your funnies. It's simple really. Just write your own Das Not Funny! Friday post and then enter your info into MckLinky.

Y'all have a supremely, fabulous, AWESOME weekend.