God and moving and my cervix. Not be confused with "God moving my cervix."

Today was a pretty big day for us. First up, Luke and I drove over the attorney's office this morning and signed all our paperwork for our closing that is STILL SCHEDULED for next Wednesday, March 3rd. We gave our relator limited power of attorney so that he could sign everything needed the day of closing.

Then, I went on a search for an infant carrier for Baby. You see, we had the car seat we bought when Elizabeth was a baby, but it expired in December.

(Yes, carseats expire. I know, who'dathunk? Right? If you have a carseat and you didn't know they could expire, flip it over and look somewhere on the bottom. The expiration date is stamped into the plastic somewhere. That was SO helpful, I know. "Flip it over and look somewhere." I'm a wealth of information.)

So, we felt extremely blessed when someone from Luke's work gave us a "new" infant carrier. However, when I went to take the cover off and wash the "new" carrier, I realized that it too expired in December. Not so "new."

So, today was carseat day. So, I went to Babies R Them and looked but they all seemed so expensive. So I went to Target but nothing there really tripped my trigger (mostly because they were all gender specific). After my Doctor's visit, I went to Walmart, which really had nothing in the way of an infant carrier that is compatible with the stroller I have my eye on.

After Target, I ran (Not literally, I'm 10 months pregnant people. I run no where.) over to my OB's office for a check up. I asked the nurse to ask the Doctor if he would please check my cervix since we are, afterall, still closing on our house next week. He obliged and after a quick check said that my cevix was shut up nice and tight.

I told him that we didn't say "shut up" in our house.

In other news, he is estimating that this baby is already 7 lbs. Which means it would be my largest baby ever. Elizabeth was 6lbs 13oz at birth and a WEEK LATE. Lucas was 5lbs 2oz and Ashlee was 5lbs 13oz and they were considered "on time" as far as twins go (and still I was induced with them at 38 weeks).

We threw around the possibility of an induction next week and ultimately agreed that we could decide further when I come back in on Monday for him to check me again.

So, this weekend will be full of packing and moving stuff to our rental house and more waiting. I will blog more later about how God is making this all incredibly easy. Just when I think that it couldn't be more stressful, something happens and I think, "Seriously? It's THAT simple?"

And you know what? It really is. And there's no other reason other than God's grace and His mercy over our family and this situation. No.other.reason.

In fact, as Luke and I spoke on the phone just moments ago about our situation with moving and paying deposits and such and how incredibly gracious our new landlord is being to us, Luke commented,

"Seriously. Who does that for people?"

And just now, I realized that my response to him should have been, "Our God does, honey. He always does."