Das Not Funny! Friday: I heard it through the grapevine paper thin walls

It's Friday! Woop! I am so excited and totally past dry heaving (or at least for now) over the fact that my first ever 5K is tomorrow night. I ran the equivalent to a 5K last night just to see if I could and I DID IT! I did have to stop once so I didn't get smoked by a car, but otherwise I ran/jaulked the whole time. This is HUGE people. I am NOT a runner by nature. Not one bit.

At any rate, I'm stoked I made it a whole 3.1 miles without croaking. Also, if you haven't entered to win my giveaway that supports my amazing friends' adoption, you totally should. Click here for details or that little link above my posts.

Alright today's Das Not Funny! Friday funnies come to you courtesy of my kids and the commentary I hear between them while I am in the other room. These are just the ones I could remember off the top of my head and maybe some that I just heard while typing up this post. Hope y'all have an awesome weekend!

Ashlee: "Awww. Ellabella. You're so cute! I'm not your Mommy though, Ellabell. So you can't drink from my boobies."


Elizabeth speaking to an over dramatic member of our family: "Oh Oli-vi-a. Seriously girl. It's not that bad."


Aaron: "Knock-knock."

Elizabeth: "Who's there?"

Aaron, before Elizabeth can finish: "BOO!"

Then...silence. Apparently Aaron doesn't understand closure in a knock-knock joke.


Elizabeth: "Her name is ELLABELLE!"

Ashlee: "And you're her kid!"

Elizabeth: "No. I'm her Mom."


Lucas: "You know what my baby says? My baby says 'WAAAAA'."

Elizabeth: "That's nice."


Lucas: "Stop calling me Lucas and call me The Man!"