Love Poop: the greatest gift of all

If you came here for an in-depth post on Africa, well, this isn't it.

I just wanted to let you all know that while I was gone, my AMAZING, TOTALLY AWESOME, FATHER-OF-THE-YEAR HUSBAND completely potty trained Aaron. Aaron's been wearing big boy undies for quite some time now (even before I left) but he'd hold all his poop until naptime and then unleash in his diaper. Or worse, he'd just go in his underwear, then play with it.

So on Monday, when I came home from 11 days away and Luke informed me that Aaron had been pooping in the potty, I was a tad (read: HUGE, COLOSSAL AMOUNT) skeptical. HOWEVER, today, after Bible Study, Aaron came over to me and said, "Mom, I need to go poop" AND THEN HE POOPED IN THE POTTY. And it wasn't his typical, let me squeak out a rabbit pellet to relieve the pressure then wait for the naptime diaper to poop. It was the motherLOAD.

For serious. Y'all can't possibly know what kind of a gift this is to me. Well, if you've read this post, then maybe you do. Yes, I just said a toilet full of poop is a gift. And so is having only ONE CHILD IN DIAPERS.

Y'all it's been almost FIVE YEARS since I've had only 1 kid in diapers. FIVE YEARS of 2 or 3 children wearing diapers.

For the record, my husband rocks. End of story.