Hey friends!
Alrighty, I need your advices and opinions.
Probably close to a year ago I applied to be wait listed on a the ad publishing site BlogHer. Honestly, I never thought they'd ever ask me to apply since my blog has small readership (comparatively) and also because I assumed that there is a huge waiting list and the chances of me floating to the top was slim-to-none.
But, about a week ago I received an email from BlogHer basically asking me to "apply to apply."
Short story, my blog has been selected to be in their database to have ads placed. I would earn revenue based on the number of page loads.
I have mixed feelings about having ads. On one had, whatever revenue we earn could be used for supplemental income - and later - to help supplement support for our ministry. (Though, truthfully, I can't see this being a big money maker. Maybe $25 a month?)
On the other hand, I know that my blog would begin being published and advertised with BlogHer and, well, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, naturally all bloggers want to have a nice following of readers, but truth be told, I LOVE the small community of regular readers who come here. I'm not sure I want the masses coming this way and messing with the good thing we already have. Ya know?
But, in the end, Luke and I are praying about this decision - be it ever how trivial - and knowing that the Lord cares about details, even this one.
So my question for you all is this....
Would you be turned off by blog ads? Would it make you less likely to come back and read? Do you think it would annihilate the virtual intimacy that is already here?
I love that this measly little blog has connected me to so many of you who I would have otherwise never met. In fact, on our trip to Arkansas/Tennessee I had the privilege to meet two "blog friends" have our children play together and later the three of us women enjoyed a nice, relaxing dinner. Now, I'm honored to call them real-life friends.
A few of you have taken the step of faith to support our ministry both in prayer and with your finances. You truly have no idea just how much it humbles me to know you'd follow God in obedience to support someone you've never even "met."
So again, I ask you, is having an ad publishing network on here going to ruin that? Truly that's the last thing I desire.
I appreciate your insight and the way you guys care about me, my family and this silly 'ol blog.