Well, I guess better late than never, huh?
Earlier this month, we welcomed our precious Baby #8.
Evelyn Love
8lb 4oz, 21 inches long
born at 3:12am
(middle of the night births are HARD to recover from, y'alll)
I'll post her birth story and more photos soon, or when she decides to stop nursing for stretches longer than 20 minutes.
She is a delight to us all and the main topics of conversations in our house now include whose turn it is to hold her, how often she needs to drink Mommy's milk and how totally cute and adorable her (insert any random feature) is.
Indeed, we are in love. Pun totally intended.
Also, have you ever seen a belly button like that? It totally freaked me out. Look how long the skin is! Stay tuned for her birth story. It's unlike any of my previous births. She entered the world in her own, special way. And I'm so thrilled to hold her on the outside. You just have no idea.