Laughter Lives Tuesday

I'm always hesitant to begin "blog carnival-esque" things. However, this one is too good to pass up.

The Riggs Family has a sweet daughter named Abby who is currently battling cancer. Today is the first official day of "Laughter Lives Tuesday."

If you've been around my kids EVER you know they are incredibly hilarious (ok, maybe everyone thinks that about their kids, but mine REALLY ARE). At any rate, this gives me the opportunity to share with you the funny things my kids have said over the last week...all rolled into one convenient post. Lucky you, huh? This week, I'll go easy on ya, and only tell one story.

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

Not A Awesome Day!

On Sunday, Elizabeth woke up super early. During her "extra time" (which we NEVER have on Sunday mornings) she found a cape my Grandma had made. She asked if she could wear it to church, and since Luke and I are the coolest parents ever, we told her it was okay.

However, since we've had a cold snap (here in the South, that means it's been 32*F and colder) I also told her that she MUST wear a coat, along with her cape, to church.

Upon the zipping of her coat, her cape became tight around her neck. This caused Elizabeth to panic. In an effort to resolve her anxiety, I swiftly reached down and unbuttoned the cape from around her neck.

BAD call.

She flung herself on the floor, just like a dying-llama and proceeded to scream,

"I want my cape!"

Naturally, such behavior did not deserve a logical response so I stepped over her, telling her calmly that children who act in such a manner do not get the privilege of wearing their capes to church.

The dying-llama fit continued as Luke strapped her into her car seat and continued furthermore as we drove to church.

Finally, in a moment of clarity, she declares:

"This is NOT a awesome day!"

Knowing that our uncontrolled laughter would NOT promote more clarity, Luke and I stifled our giggles as best possible from the front seats.

What have your kids done this week to cause laughter? Check out the Riggs' family blog for more on Laughter Lives Tuesday.