Seeing God In The Day to Day

I used to think that things could happen by coincidence. I used to think that luck was something that fell on people when they needed good fortune. I used to not know my God.

Since Luke and I have embarked on this journey of seeking out our role as Foster Parents, God has stepped into the sunlight and shown Himself to me in some pretty amazing and faithful ways. He's also shown Himself to me in the ordinary, in the things I used to think were coincidence. It is so amazing to me that the Creator of the universe desires such a deep, intimate and yet entirely friendly relationship with ME!

He has shown me how I can find His affirmation through a random person at the tomato stand. We began talking about tomatoes and within 2.5 seconds we were talking about foster care!
Coincidence?...I think not!

I have started this blogging addiction. As I peruse posts and blogs I come across countless blogs or entries about either being a foster parent or a person who was in the foster care system.
Coincidence?...I think not!

Even today, as I was getting in sneak peeks of Oprah, between rounds w/ the vacuum, He revealed affirmation to me yet again! Seal and Heidi Klum were on Oprah talking about their relationship and background. It is revealed that Seal spent time in foster care. I am sitting at the foot of my bed, watching a 44 year old Hollywood superstar crying on national television b/c Oprah and his wife have reunited him with a foster sister he hasn't seen in 40 YEARS! Once again, affirmation that we should pursue this b/c we can and will make a difference.
Coincidence?...I think not!

I urge you to look at your life. What are things that you have labeled as coincidence? Now, examine your relationship with Christ. Is He speaking to you through burning bushes and you are not giving Him your attention? I wasn't for the longest time.

I'm so glad I'm getting tuned in to my Creator and Savior. It makes my life worth living and my world so much more complete. I simply love seeing God in the day to day...