Five For Friday

What's the Point?

These thoughts are sparked when I think of The Thompsons and the people in Nairobi who live, day in and day out in the slums.

Is fashion really necessary? I mean, when we're dead, is God gonna stand there and say,

"Oh, you had matching shoes and purses for every outfit. Come on in!"

I mean, when it's all said and done, the cost of runway shows and $500 shoes could have been spent somewhere else. Somewhere where people don't have water or food or clothes or....

Why do we continue to freak out about the economy? Don't get me wrong, I know it's important to have a country that is economically stable, but we Americans freak out over every little thing. I think I'll start the freak out when our tap water is unsuitable to drink, or a radical group overturns the democracy. Yes, I think about and, on rare occasion, worry about the economy of our country. But freak out? Not so much. Yesterday, on our Christian Radio Station I heard someone talking about what you should do if your bank goes under. The speaker outlined steps to take to see if your bank is in trouble. Seriously?

What's the point of declaring a crisis, if it's not REALLY a crisis? Here in NC, gas prices shot over $4.50 in some places (I'm assuming that's true everywhere in the US today). People are FREAKING out. The lines at the pumps are a minimum of 10 cars deep. This is NOT a crisis. The hurricanes that will hit land and destroy homes, lives and possibly kill many people - THAT is a crisis. I find it hard to comprehend how we can stress about gas prices, but not respond after our neighbors loose everything.

Is it necessary to get excessively upset over differing political views? Once more, don't get me wrong, I think the election is important, and yes, I want my choice candidate to win. However, when November 5th rolls around, and a new president has been chosen, God will be the same. It won't make a difference if McCain or Obama is president, God will still be God. I sure wish that people (and politicians) could debate and campaign without slinging mud. It would sure make it easier for me to watch debates, speeches and forums.

What's the point of a bib? I mean, I see the simple use for it, but if you've ever actually used one on a child you know that their function is only for minor mishaps. None of my 4 children ever grasped the meaning of "minor." Usually, when the bib was removed, the ONLY clean spot was a semi-circle where the bib used to be. The shirt was still dirty and my child was still covered in his/her last meal. Spit up defies the laws of gravity and gets everywhere BUT on a bib. Who invented them anyway? Bet they were laughing all the way to the bank.

The purpose of this isn't to say that I am perfect or that I am not-guilty of doing/thinking/using any of these things. Lately, everything that I see in my life that others view as necessary (and I even think is necessary) I wonder about those people in Kibera. When I let the water run and get hot so that I can wash my hands or my face, I think about how much I just wasted and how many thirsty children I could have just hydrated. It all comes at me so much lately and I often wonder,
What's the point?