Y'all, I'm gonna be real honest here. I hate running. No, let me rephrase that, I HATE running. Don't get me wrong I don't dislike physical activity in general (despite my plump appearance), but running just isn't my thang.
I tried it about a year ago and I think it last about 2 weeks. You see, it's always been a strong dislike of mine. When I was in college I was on the volleyball team. In addition to our 2-3 hour a day practices, we'd also run 2 to 3 times a week. During pre-season, we were required to run a timed mile and in order to play, we were to run that mile in 8 minutes. I know, that doesn't sound like much to some of you crazy people who enjoy pounding your feet on the pavement. But volleyball players are not typically runners.
We would run our timed mile every-other-morning (at 7am) during preseason, each time with the goal of 8 minutes. EVERY time we had our timed mile my alarm would go off, I'd slide out of bed and the dry heaving would begin. I would dry heave as I got dressed, put my hair in a messy ponytail and tied up my shoes. The dry heaving would get increasingly dramatic as I walked the 75 yards across a portion of campus (it was a small campus y'all) to the track. As we ran our "warm up lap" I would dry heave further, sometimes making my team mates snarl their lips and run away from me.
Dry heaving continued until I was 3/4 of the way through my first timed lap. Then, I was fine. I'd push through and finish my mile, usually within the 8 minutes required. Truthfully, once I was into my 3rd lap, I was fine and knew that I was going to make my time.
So you see, I HATE running. But even though I had a profuse hatred of running, I bit the bullet and did it because I had a goal, a purpose even. Without making that 8 minute mile I was not allowed playing time. So, I ran because something depended on my running. As I continued through my 4 years of college volleyball, it became easier. Mostly because I knew that not making my timed mile was not an option.
A year ago when I started this whole, "I'm gonna run" bidness, my main goal was to just "get in shape." Well, then we got another newborn (Baby Girl) and
But now, I have a reason again to run, or, um....jaulk, as will be my case. My multi-talented friend Lindsey and my African Soul Mate, Lindy have founded a new organization called Run 4 Revolution. Run 4 Revolution is a worldwide running club that raises awarenss and funding for Child Trafficking. Seriously people, if there was ever a reason for this tub-o-jello to run, it's this.
When I first heard about it, I seriously thought, "Crap. I'll never be able to contribute to that. Ever. Afterall, I HATE running." But then, I read more about it. I was slowly getting reeled in and then I saw it...their tag line. It got me.
Run 4 Revolution
...Run like somone's life depended on it.
Wow. Back when I was running all those timed miles in college I used to joke that it would be so much easier for me to run faster if someone would chase me with a knife (morbid, I know). The truth is, running like your life is at stake makes running, well...easy.
Hopefully, I can begin walking now, then maybe jaulking, then once this baby gets here, running...just like someone's life depended on it.
Won't you try running or jaulking or even walking with me...because someone's life does depend on it. If you can't do any of the above, won't you check out Run 4 Revolution's website and consider sponsoring one of their already active team members who are running in half and/or full marathons.
For more info and/or to hear straight from the horses mouthes, check out Lindsey's blog or Lindy's blog.
Now, with all this talk of running, my gag reflex is in hyperactive mode. I think I'm gonna go grab a slice of pie or something and plan out my walking route.