My sweet Lucas boy is usually fun-loving, just a BIT strong-willed, but 100% completely lovable. He cracks himself up (and me too usually) and is just the cutest little (almost) 3 year old boy I've ever seen. These last few days have been pretty rough though, I won't lie.
Why, you ask? Well, if you've followed me on twitter at all, you will know that my sweet, adorable, strawberry blond, blue-eyed boy is being taken over by a mean, torturing little man. How's that? nemesis.
Within minutes of consuming this toxin, his personality alters to a state that I cannot recognize. I have noted that 1 teaspoon of ibuprofen does seem to alleviate SOME of his angerfilled self, but alas, he's a "Mean One" for the next 4-6 hours (just in time to receive his next dose).
Oh my's B.A.D.
At any rate, I'd much rather reflect on the better times with my eldest son. Like last week for example, when we went on a whirlwind date that made me smile for days. Since Lucas is the ULTIMATE animal lover (unless it's a dog) we decided an evening of animal fun was in store.
First, we headed over to my parents' neighborhood to feed some of their "ducks" (read: geese). Apparently, these "ducks" go to bed quite early and do not love OVER-THE-TOP (almost) 3 year olds who insist on throwing balls of stale bread at them. I have no idea why they didn't flock to us. None at all.
At any rate, I got aterrible cute picture of my date, holding the bread, eyes shut tight - his new favorite pose.
After we both realized that there were no "ducks" on the planet in need of our company, we departed, determined to see something else that was alive that we could take advantage of admire from afar.
Naturally, the pet store was our target. But first, we needed something of substance, to tide us over for our animal adventure. What better than a stop at the 31 flavors to ease our rumbly tummys?
Lucas disappointed me BIG time with his poor selection of Mint Chocolate Chip. *sigh* I guess his father's attempts to brainwash him have been slightly successful. I moved past my gagging and enjoyed some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, with a hint of mint.

I understand the conflict. Cone or cup. It's a tough choice.
First, we gazed upon schools of "pwish." "Wots and wots of pwish."
Then it was onto the "cwabs." For future notice, Lucas is "afwaid of cwabs."
Then we moved onto the birds,
which began Lucas' new idea, his sly request to take one home. As we would gaze upon the various animals, Lucas would look up at me, with BIG blue eyes and ask,
"Mom, can I sweep wif he-yum?"
To which I responded, "Um. No."
This question and answer continued with the cats,
snakes (which I do not *shiver* have a picture of) and rats.
Finally, Lucas discovered his one true friend in the pet shop. A Chinese Water Dragon. As Lucas bent down to inspect the thing further, his "friend" leapt off the stick he was perched on and straight at Lucas' face. Lucas lurched back, fell onto his bottom and then began laughing.
"Oh look honey, he wants to be your friend." I half smirked, half gagged.
Upon that remark, Lucas fell in love. He and the Chinese Water Dragon, (who he just named, "Drag the Dragon") gazed into each others' eyes for a untimed period, whilst "Drag" continued to leap full steam at Lucas' face. Lucas would giggle, and I would shudder, wondering what that little lizard would really do if he could get past Plexiglas.
Then, I glanced down and saw the price of this tiny lizard. I'm guessing that the "pet experts" would not recommend this type of pet to a home with so many tiny, squeezy hands. Nonetheless, Lucas admired this wee Water Dragon as long as he could, until I had to pry him off the floor and carry him home.
I'm hoping our next date will involve fewer reptiles. The way to this girl's heart is NOT through molting. I'm just sayin'.
Why, you ask? Well, if you've followed me on twitter at all, you will know that my sweet, adorable, strawberry blond, blue-eyed boy is being taken over by a mean, torturing little man. How's that? nemesis.
Within minutes of consuming this toxin, his personality alters to a state that I cannot recognize. I have noted that 1 teaspoon of ibuprofen does seem to alleviate SOME of his angerfilled self, but alas, he's a "Mean One" for the next 4-6 hours (just in time to receive his next dose).
Oh my's B.A.D.
At any rate, I'd much rather reflect on the better times with my eldest son. Like last week for example, when we went on a whirlwind date that made me smile for days. Since Lucas is the ULTIMATE animal lover (unless it's a dog) we decided an evening of animal fun was in store.
First, we headed over to my parents' neighborhood to feed some of their "ducks" (read: geese). Apparently, these "ducks" go to bed quite early and do not love OVER-THE-TOP (almost) 3 year olds who insist on throwing balls of stale bread at them. I have no idea why they didn't flock to us. None at all.
At any rate, I got a
Naturally, the pet store was our target. But first, we needed something of substance, to tide us over for our animal adventure. What better than a stop at the 31 flavors to ease our rumbly tummys?
Lucas disappointed me BIG time with his poor selection of Mint Chocolate Chip. *sigh* I guess his father's attempts to brainwash him have been slightly successful. I moved past my gagging and enjoyed some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, with a hint of mint.
After our refreshing scoops of ice cream, we were off to torture observe the animals awaiting us, all caged up, at the pet store.
First, we gazed upon schools of "pwish." "Wots and wots of pwish."
Then we moved onto the birds,
"Mom, can I sweep wif he-yum?"
To which I responded, "Um. No."
This question and answer continued with the cats,
snakes (which I do not *shiver* have a picture of) and rats.
Upon that remark, Lucas fell in love. He and the Chinese Water Dragon, (who he just named, "Drag the Dragon") gazed into each others' eyes for a untimed period, whilst "Drag" continued to leap full steam at Lucas' face. Lucas would giggle, and I would shudder, wondering what that little lizard would really do if he could get past Plexiglas.