
- This is Luke not Jessica (feel free to stop
- My bride is my spell check (free help only gets you so far)
- I am not a writer

We have finally started this thing we have been talking about for nearly two years. "Date night"

Date Night (Deyt Nayht) - noun.
1. An event that is on the planner, (aka. Calendar by the toilet)
2. 1 on 1 time with one of the children, (the "big kids")
3. yes mom and dad get a night out also.

Well, tonight was time for Elizabeth and daddy to get away. We get in the car and I ask Elizabeth if she would like to go swing or go see animals at the pet store. To the park we go. After doing the monkey bars about 10 times, we run back and forth between 3 swing sets. Total distance, about 1 mile.

Then for about the next 3o minutes or so, we walk around holding hands, jumping, and being silly.

Now off to get ice cream. Daddy wait! I forgot mommy's flowers. So off we go again.

Whew that was a close one. We almost forgot. While driving Elizabeth says, "Daddy, when you hug and kiss me, it makes my heart about burst." So picture me, driving down the road, tear filled eyes, and trying to stay between the 'blurry' lines. So we eat ice cream while sitting on the back of the car and enjoying our time together. Soon it is time to go home, but for now let's enjoy the priceless memories we are given.

* 2 hours
* $5.10 - 2 Cookout shakes (one was to bring home to mommy, Elizabeth had vanilla ice cream with M&M, Reese's cup, and Oreo mixed in, SUGAR ANYONE!!!)
* a wonderful wife to stay home with the other kids
Date night with my daughter