Woooo hooo! It's FRIDAY! Welcome to the blogapolooza known as Das Not Funny! Friday. I created this whole thing because I wanted to be able to share/document all the funny things that my kids say throughout the week. It started because my middle daughter, Ashlee - aged (almost) 3 years - always does the funniest things, but when I laugh she exclaimes, "Das not funny Mommy!"
Oh, sweet girl. Yes. It IS terribly funny. So this is it. Das Not Funny! Friday. You don't have to have funny kids, er....kids to participate. Just write down all your funny stuff. Then, follow the directions as the end of this post. It's that simple! Here are the things that made me crack up this week.
Me (from my bedroom): "Are you done yet?"
Elizabeth (from the toilet): "No, I'm going poop. And poop takes a LOOOOOOOOONG time."
Lucas was standing naked, in our bathroom, while I was dressing/getting ready. Elizabeth comes in and launches into some conversation of utmost importance. About half way through, she turns, looks at her brother, and says,
"Bubbie, WHY are you naked?"
Then, she resumes her conversation with me. She glances back at her brother who is now playing with his "wenis" (because isn't that what he's suppose to do when he's naked?). She spins around to face him and says,
"Lucas Beaver! Stop touching yourself!"
Last week, on my date with Lucas, he spotted an establishment across the street from the pet store. Said establishment is a bar and grill, and one that is not known, necessarily, for their food, but mostly for the "atmosphere" that their waitresses provide. (Hint: Their "mascot" is an OWL.)
As we pull out of the parking lot, he screams, "Stob da cawr! Stob da cawr!"
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I wanna go ober der to dat jungle."
"What jungle?" I say.
"Dat one, ober der!" he says, as he points his finger to the lit up palm trees outside the resturant.
"Um...that's not a jungle baby. And, no, we can't go there. That place probably doesn't make Jesus' heart happy."
"Awwww man! I nebber get to go der!" he dramatically stated.
"Honey, I'm sure that one day, you will go in and see all there is to see at the 'jungle.' One day." I mumbled under my breath.
Lucas has found his first crush. A girl at our church named Rachel. At the park this morning, he followed her around like a little, lost puppy. Then, after his nap, he woke up and said,
"Mommy, I'm sa-yad."
"Why Buddy?" I asked.
"Because, I wanna gib Rachel a hug and kiss."
"Well, honey, she's at her house now, with her Mommy."
"Okay, we can go der now," he said, confident she would be waiting with puckered lips, I'm sure.
Okay peeps, now it's your turn. Tell me all about the funny stuff you saw/heard/did this week.
If you'd like the "official rules" you can go here, but for serious, its just not that hard. All you have to do is link your blog back to mine by using one of three options.
1) Use the handy dandy stuff in the box below. Just copy it, then paste it into your "Edit Html" tab where you normally compose your messages.
It’s finally Friday! How many times this week did you hear or see something and think… <i>“Das Not Funny!”</i> but then realize that it <i>actually was</i> pretty funny? Well, such is the purpose of this blogapolooza known as <i>Das Not Funny! </i>Friday.
Check out <a href="http://themakingofmom.blogspot.com"> this blog </a> to see what else is not funny. Plus, by going <a href="http://themakingofmom.blogspot.com">over here</a> you can see who else has seen or heard something and thought <i>Das Not Funny!</i> then stifled a giggle or even laughed out loud! Come on, you know you wanna…
Check out <a href="http://themakingofmom.blogspot.com"> this blog </a> to see what else is not funny. Plus, by going <a href="http://themakingofmom.blogspot.com">over here</a> you can see who else has seen or heard something and thought <i>Das Not Funny!</i> then stifled a giggle or even laughed out loud! Come on, you know you wanna…
2) Use the button up there on the top right hand side of my sidebar. Again, just copy that code then paste it into the "Edit Html" tab.
3) Use neither of the above referenced super-handy materials and just use a regular 'ol link to link back to my blog.
THEN, after you've written your post and linked back here, be sure to do this VERY important step....
Put your OWN info into Mr. Linky down at the bottom.
By getting on the Mr. Linky bandwagon, EVERYONE who comes here (all 15 of you) will know where to go to find super hilarious stuff to cheer up their Friday! Yay for Friday!
Mr. Linky's Awesomeness: