That is the word that continues to roll through my mind. The word that is moving through my heart. The word that resonates through my soul, and scares me to pieces.
What does that mean? What does that look like? It's not a white flag. It's more than just a mindset. It's life, a life I am called to live. A life that ALL believers are called to live. We are asked to live a life fully consecrated to God, refraining from selfish desires.
But what does that look like?
The basics for all believers are the same, but the deeper issues, the ones where God isn't black and white, those are the ones where I wonder...what does fully surrendered look like for me?
Does that mean all of our "stuff" should be given away or sold? Does that mean that I cannot enjoy a nice house, a fun life filled with vacations and thrills or comfort?
Surely the Lord's blessings upon my life are meant to be enjoyed? Surely He does not expect me to lament over the nice things that I own? No! God's blessings are a gift, to be enjoyed.
But, where does full surrender fit into the grand scheme of loving the Lord? Where do my countless blessings fall onto a spectrum of fully surrendering everything to the God I serve? How do I find balance between praising Him for all that I have and not hording possessions? What does that look like?
It looks like open hands. It feels like an open heart. It loves like a heart that knows no pain. To fully surrender, I've realized that I must simply be willing. Willing to offer whatever I have. You see, I know that blessings are directly related to offering. I'm not talking about money here, I'm talking about life blessings. BIG blessings. Little blessings. Blessings of health, joy, happiness, salvation and love. Blessings of giggles, hugs, snuggles, freedom and mercy. Blessings of trials and challenges. Blessings of grace.
To stand with clenched fists, holding onto everything as tight as you can is not a life surrendered. A life surrendered is open hands, offering everything in it back to the One who created it and purposed it in the first place. That includes your home, your finances, your "stuff," your life and,...even your family. All of it.
Surrender. It still scares me to pieces. But I know, that with open hands, not only am I able to freely surrender all, but countless blessings may flow in as well. After all, do I really believe that the God who offered up His own Son, the God who spared nothing for me, would really give me anything less than all of His mercy, grace and love? Ithink know not.
Therefore, I surrender. I surrender.
That is the word that continues to roll through my mind. The word that is moving through my heart. The word that resonates through my soul, and scares me to pieces.
What does that mean? What does that look like? It's not a white flag. It's more than just a mindset. It's life, a life I am called to live. A life that ALL believers are called to live. We are asked to live a life fully consecrated to God, refraining from selfish desires.
But what does that look like?
The basics for all believers are the same, but the deeper issues, the ones where God isn't black and white, those are the ones where I wonder...what does fully surrendered look like for me?
Does that mean all of our "stuff" should be given away or sold? Does that mean that I cannot enjoy a nice house, a fun life filled with vacations and thrills or comfort?
Surely the Lord's blessings upon my life are meant to be enjoyed? Surely He does not expect me to lament over the nice things that I own? No! God's blessings are a gift, to be enjoyed.
But, where does full surrender fit into the grand scheme of loving the Lord? Where do my countless blessings fall onto a spectrum of fully surrendering everything to the God I serve? How do I find balance between praising Him for all that I have and not hording possessions? What does that look like?
To stand with clenched fists, holding onto everything as tight as you can is not a life surrendered. A life surrendered is open hands, offering everything in it back to the One who created it and purposed it in the first place. That includes your home, your finances, your "stuff," your life and,...even your family. All of it.
Surrender. It still scares me to pieces. But I know, that with open hands, not only am I able to freely surrender all, but countless blessings may flow in as well. After all, do I really believe that the God who offered up His own Son, the God who spared nothing for me, would really give me anything less than all of His mercy, grace and love? I
Therefore, I surrender. I surrender.