Remember that time I used to blog about all the funny things my kids would do and say? No?
Well, there was a time when I used to blog about all the funny stuff my kids would do and say. And per the request of a few different people, I'm bringing Das Not Funny! Friday back.
I hope.
If I can remember to write them down this week. So here's your heads up if you'd like to join me.
Below I am reposting a Das Not Funny! Friday from September 18, 2009. I'm looking forward to reading the funny stuff your kids/husbands/nieces & nephews/the-kids-you-babysit say on Friday so write them down and I'll see you on Friday!
Friday again! Who's up for another round of Das Not Funny! Friday? I am!
What is Das Not Funny! Friday, you ask? Welllllll, I've always said that I want to write down the funny things that my kids are forever saying. However, I stink at journaling. Therefore, I began posting them here on Fridays. They're called Das Not Funny! because when our daughter Ashlee does something funny and we laugh at her, she usually frowns (like pictured above) and says, "Das not funny Mommy!"
She's a TAD dramatic and doesn't realize that this comment only makes her antics even funnier. I hope you'll join me and play along for this week's Das Not Funny! Friday.
Monday did not go as scheduled this week. The physical therapist was here for Baby Girl so I sent the twins to the basement to play (Elizabeth was over at Nana's house that morning). After checking on them several times, I realized that they were quiet. Too quiet. The following is the conversation that transpired next...
"Ashlee! Lucas! What are you guys doing?"
Giggling from the basement echos up the stairs.
"GUYS! What is going on down there?"
"We's just playin' Momma," Ashlee calls.
"Um. Playing what exactly?"
"We's eatin' dees fangs."
"You're eating what?!?"
"Dose fangs in Woocas mouth."
"What things? Bring them here now!"
They both creep up the stairs.
"Lucas, what are you eating?"
"Gurwillda food," he states, logically.
"Show me please, NOW."
He opens his hand to reveal several brass shelf hangers from a shelving unit.
"Did you have those in your mouth Lucas?"
"Did you eat any?"
We spent the next 4.5 hours at various doctors offices getting x-rays and verifying that a brass shelf hanger apparently denigrates upon ingestion. Either that, or he really didn't swallow it at all.
I'll let you decide which is true.
Last night Lucas was helping me make dinner. We open our pantry and both discover a horrible smell (thanks to some rotten potatoes). Lucas turns to me and says,
"Shoooo weeee Mommy. You poot stinks."
Ashlee to me, from the bathroom: "Mooooooom. I'm done. Come wipe me."
I enter the bathroom and begin her requested task.
She adds, "Wipe me good Mom. But cwose your eyes. Don't wook at my poop.."
Somehow, those two things cannot be accomplished at the same time little girl.
If you'd like to play along write your own Das Not Funny! Friday post then enter all your info into MckLinky.
Y'all have a great weekend, free from poop or brass shelf hangers or either of those two combined.